بیمارستان مهراد

CCU Ward

Location: it is located on the fourth floor of the hospital’s main building.

Number of active beds: eight beds

Specialized services providable in the ward: Specialized services providable in the ward: services to patients in this ward are provided by specialized physicians in cardiology, fellowship angiography, angioplasty, and electrophysiology, as well as an experienced nursing team by means of the facilities and equipment of cardiopulmonary monitoring and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, respiratory assistance devices and medication 24 hours of the day and night. All patients hospitalized at this ward are monitored through a central monitoring system.

Services of this ward:

– Monitoring the patients with cardiovascular disorders

– Caring for patients with cardiovascular disease

– Caring for patients with valvular disorders and congenital heart defects

– Caring for patients with myocardial attack and infarction and acute pulmonary edema

– Preparing patients for angiography and transferring them to the angiography ward and its aftercare

– Preparing patients for angioplasty and transferring them to the angiography ward and its aftercare

– Preparing patients for open heart surgery

– Preparing patients for temporary and permanent pacemakers and its aftercare and Injection of a variety of drugs to control dysrhythmias and the extent of heart damage

Internal number: 411 – 410

بیمارستان مهراد