Charter of Patients’ Rights

  • The patient has the right to expect the optimal, effective, and respectful treatment and care immediately and as soon as possible, regardless of racial, cultural, or religious factors.
  • If desired, the patient has the right to know the hospitalization place, physician, and nurse, as well as other members of the treatment group.
  • If desired, the patient has the right to request the treating physician for the necessary information about the stages of diagnosis, treatment, and progression of his/her disease in person or through one of his/her relative, so that this should not result in delays in further treatment or life-threatening in medical emergencies.
  • The patient has the right to receive the necessary information about possible complications or the application of other methods from the treating physician prior to the examination and implementation of treatment and to participate in selecting the final treatment method.
  • Based on the law and not threatening the health of members of the community, the patient has the right to declare his/her personal consent to the termination of treatment or refer to other medical centers in case of personal desire.
  • The patient has the right to ensure the confidentiality of the medical record contents and the examinations and clinical consultations’ results to protect his/her privacy, except in cases where legal inquiries are made.
  • The patient has the right to have the confidentiality of the physician and other treatment team members; hence, the clinical presence of people not directly involved in the treatment process will be subject to the patient’s permission.
  • The patient has the right to ensure access to the attending physician and other key members of the treatment team over his/her hospitalization, transfer, and after discharge.
  • The patient has the right to declare his/her desire and personal satisfaction to participate in the treatment or to refuse to continue cooperation in various stages of the research through obtaining full information about the type of educational and research activities of the hospital affecting his/her health and treatment.
  • If it is necessary to send and continue treatment in other medical centers, the patient has the right to be informed in advance of the skill of the treatment group, the tariffs, and insurance coverage of services in the destination medical center.
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